Success & Accountability Coaching

Where will your project be six months from today?

There are a few ways you might react to that question. Perhaps:

  • A wave of overwhelm washes over you because you simply know it needs to be “done” by then, but you have no inkling of how to get there without burning out

  • You fear what might slip through the cracks as you try to balance your looming deadlines with other work responsibilities, parenting, chronic health issues, housework, and caring for yourself

  • Your body lights up with hope at your project’s potential, but you’re unsure how you’ll make it from Point A to Point B

Yes, it’s a lot. But no, you don’t have to do this alone.

Please Note: I am currently at capacity for new Success & Accountability Coaching clients. If you’re interested in beginning Success & Accountability Coaching in 2025, I invite you to sign up for my waitlist below and I’ll reach out directly to schedule a 30-minute Discovery Call to chat about working together. Thanks!

Whether you’re making progress on an academic, personal, or creative project or an overlapping combination of the three, it is possible to reach the finish line without sacrificing yourself along the way.

Over the last few years of my business, I’ve worked with a variety of academics, entrepreneurs, and writers to prioritize and clear the path toward their dreams while gaining awareness of what works best for them when it comes to productivity, self-care, and rest.

Here are some of the goals and projects I’ve supported folks in completing:

  • Finishing and defending dissertations and comprehensive exams

  • Developing professional materials for promotion (annual reports, reappointment and tenure materials)

  • Completing applications for graduate schools, jobs, and fellowships

  • Generating game plans for sabbaticals and research fellowships

  • Accomplishing writing goals for publication (book proposals, books, articles, newsletters, creative writing manuscripts, etc.)

  • Balancing overlapping responsibilities (i.e., service/research/teaching; coursework; parenting/care-taking; navigating chronic health conditions)

As an expert in Slow Productivity who spent 14 years in academia then took an alt-ac path to start a business, I know what it’s like to balance overlapping goals with limited time and energy. This 6-month bespoke coaching program allows me to support you in:

  • Gaining clarity as we break down your projects into tasks and to-do lists
  • Cultivating self-compassion and undoing our culture’s narratives of hyper-productivity and workaholism
  • Easing the weight of perfectionism by helping you determine what is realistic for you to accomplish and what “done” truly needs to look like for you to fulfill your responsibilities
  • Gaining insight into what kind of schedule, boundaries, and rhythms work specifically for you
  • Practicing pause when we come across unhelpful patterns, behaviors, and thoughts that crop up around your productivity
  • Feeling empowered to manage obstacles by making proactive plans for potential pitfalls you may encounter, including generating menus and “if X happens, then I should do Y” lists
  • Accessing a “flow” state more often through personalized and effective blueprints for your productivity sessions
  • Reflecting on your experience with personal resources (time, energy, focus, spoons, etc.) so you can infuse our lessons into your work life moving forward

Desk with notebook, coffee, and plant

It’s been months since I worked with Kate to 1) finish my manuscript and 2) gain control of my workload, and I still rely on her advice daily. After over 20 years of schooling, including a PhD, I’ve finally learned how to break an overwhelming project into manageable tasks! More importantly, Kate’s compassionate response to my anxiety over work taught me to be more compassionate with myself. I recommend her to anyone looking to finish a big project (I finished the manuscript!) or just make sense of the big project that is life itself; she’s wonderful.

Dr. Sara Watson

Professor and Poet

When you sign up for Success & Accountability Coaching, you receive:

  • 12 supportive coaching calls. This includes a 90-minute kick-off call, followed by 60-minute coaching calls every other week for 6 months.

  • Weekly email check-ins for accountability and assistance between our calls.

  • Access to Perceptible Progress: A Goals Course, a bonus resource to dive deeper into goal setting

  • A signed copy of my book, Tend to It: A Holistic Guide to Intentional Productivity, with step-by-step instructions and 21 guided exercises for improving your habits, goals, focus, and boundaries around work and technology.

  • Access to monthly co-working calls to increase focus and momentum working alongside others on Zoom.

Working with Kate over the past few months has been a truly transformative experience. I had been considering whether to apply to grad school for several years but had reached a stalemate trying to make that decision on my own. Kate helped me weigh all my options and supported me through the application process as I navigated multiple deadlines and managed other day-to-day tasks. Kate’s Slowductivity approach is this amazing balance of facilitating goal setting and completion while also acknowledging the capitalist origins within hyper-productivity culture. I couldn’t recommend working with her more!

V. Hoy

Desk with notebook, coffee, and plant

Ready to develop healthier productivity habits and make meaningful progress on your long-term projects?

This 6-month package of Success & Accountability Coaching is accessible to you for $530/month.

If we haven’t had the chance to work together yet, you can learn more and get the process started by booking a free, 30-minute call with me. On our Discovery Call, we’ll discuss your goals and how Success & Accountability Coaching can help you to achieve them.

Does your university or department offer financial support for professional development? You can use these funds toward Success & Accountability Coaching! Click here to download an email template that will help you explain the program and apply for funding.

I look forward to chatting with you!


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