client testimonials

Working with Dr. Kate Henry has been the single most important thing I have done during my first year on the tenure track. I had followed Kate for years and utilized her free resources throughout my PhD. Yet, the new responsibilities of faculty life challenged me both personally and professionally, and Kate has been there every step of the way. Not only has she helped keep me organized, but she has also helped me to take a step back and consider all that is on my plate — including life outside of work — and find areas to trim back. She has encouraged me to make time for movement, hobbies, friendship and care-taking alongside the many competing priorities I am juggling as a new faculty member. And the weekly email prompts are one of the ways that I plan and structure my efforts. She has helped me learn to give myself grace as I transitioned to a new institution, community, and role; as well as helping me recover from post-PhD burnout. I truly cannot recommend Kate’s coaching highly enough.

Meaghan McSorley

Assistant Professor, Florida State University

I worked with Dr. Kate Henry during both my final years of graduate school and as a new tenure-line professor. During both periods, Dr. Kate was instrumental in helping me make plans to get the things I need to get done to reach my professional goals while centering my ability to show up in my personal life and be a whole person. During our coaching sessions, we worked through a set of different challenges including navigating the difference between what needs to get done and what just feels urgent and who and what might help to get through barriers that arise. Throughout our time working together, I have always felt that Dr. Kate was genuinely interested in what would be most supportive to me and it’s so wonderful to have her support on my side. Dr. Kate is absolutely rockstar and I can’t recommend working with her highly enough!

Dr. Alyx Burns

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

I had been following Kate throughout her time as a PhD student, and got so much inspiration from her work as I went through my own journey as a PhD student. When I got my postdoc, I knew one of the first things I wanted to do was use my research funds to invest in her coaching. Grad school left me jaded, exhausted, broken and frustrated. I knew there had to be a different way, and I wanted to take the time to explore this possibility with Kate’s business. I did 6 sessions with Kate, and they were so important for my career. I am a mom and at the time, was pregnant with my third child. I was extremely nervous about this new transition, and wanted to really explore what a work/life balance could look like for me. I also wanted to learn different ways to work in a more effective manner to prevent more burnout from occurring. Not only did Kate help me work through questions I had about project management, but she also helped me think through my relationship to work and success. For the longest, I knew that the way I was working, was not working. But so much of the way that I worked was passed down to me by so many academics who just repeated the cycle that had been passed down to them. I didn’t want to do that. I feel confident that I’ll be able to take the tools I learned from her, both professionally and personally, to shape my life and career into something that I can be proud of!

Dr. Briana Barner

President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland

Working with Kate has been wonderful! I reached out to her during the winter of my last year of my PhD. Kate was instrumental in helping me identify reasonable sub-goals and organize my time while taking care of myself, which was all key in me finishing a draft of and defending my dissertation this spring. I really appreciate her insightful, positive, organized, and clear approach. From careful notes on our sessions to weekly check ins, I was able to make the most of our monthly meetings and actually implement the tools and practices we discussed. Not only is Kate a phenomenal coach, but also it was really helpful to work with someone who had been through similar chronic illness challenges in graduate school and actually understood the challenges I was dealing with as well as the importance of self-care. I only wish I had reached out to her sooner during my graduate career, and cannot recommend Kate highly enough!

E. Flynn

PhD Candidate

Kate is has patiently coached me through the end of my PhD and first year as a visiting professor and is definitely the reason I finished my dissertation! She has an amazing ability to synthesize ideas and organize information and has helped me break down what at times felt like impossible tasks into something more manageable. Approaching all under the framework of sustainable work and living, Kate has improved my relationship to my work tenfold!

Jude Hayward-Jansen

Visiting Instructor of English

I started working with Dr. Kate as my dissertation prospectus deadline approached, and I came away with so much more than just reaching that milestone. Through our work together, Kate always made me feel seen, heard, and understood, which in itself was helpful motivation to work towards the goals we set together, on top of the already effective strategies, reminders, and tools we discussed. Kate’s approach is kind, effective, and empowering, and was invaluable in the completion of my prospectus, writing two successful grant applications, setting goals for myself, understanding my own work habits, and learning to trust my own inner voice.

Alex P.

Cornell University

My very first meeting with Kate was a magically, transformative experience. What felt a bit like a therapy session—me unburdening myself of all of the things that were weighing down my work practices by just talking at Kate—turned into this incredible document that Kate created, which ended up being a guide that helped me emerge from the chaos of my work life. When I received Kate’s notes I couldn’t believe she had somehow organized my brain onto the page in a clear way complete with bulleted lists, reminders, a to-do list, and general notes. It’s a document I can return to each time I need to clear my head and figure out what I should be focusing on. If you’re looking to get organized and stay on task, then Kate offers a warm, supportive and helpful hand in doing so.

Dr. Jennifer Marlow

Working with Kate over the past few months has been a truly transformative experience. I had been considering whether to apply to grad school for several years but had reached a stalemate trying to make that decision on my own. Kate helped me weigh all my options and supported me through the application process as I navigated multiple deadlines and managed other day to day tasks. Kate’s Slowductivity approach is this amazing balance of facilitating goal setting and completion while also acknowledging the capitalist origins within hyper productivity culture. I couldn’t recommend working with her more!

V. Hoy

I hired Kate to help me process all the demands of a first year professor. We met monthly to discuss that months’ plan of attack, which mostly looked like me rattling off the millions of things on my plate, and Kate listening calmly and then beautifully organizing tasks into manageable pieces. She was very insightful, often hearing and drawing attention to my own values and needs even when I wasn’t sure what they were. I HIGHLY recommend her services to anyone who is feeling overwhelm, or who wants to move forward with intention.

Dr. Keitlyn Alcántara


It’s been months since I worked with Kate to 1) finish my manuscript and 2) gain control of my workload, and I still rely on her advice daily. After over 20 years of schooling, including a PhD, I’ve finally learned how to break an overwhelming project into manageable tasks! More importantly, Kate’s compassionate response to my anxiety over work taught me to be more compassionate with myself. I recommend her to anyone looking to finish a big project (I finished the manuscript!) or just make sense of the big project that is life itself; she’s wonderful.

Dr. Sara Watson

Professor & Poet

When I first started working with Kate, I was struggling to transition from working on my PhD full time to a part time PhD and full time work that coincided with a chronic illness flare up. My PhD progress had stalled, I found myself exhausted, unable to focus, struggling to maintain daily habits, and weighed down with negative self talk. When I reached out to Kate my main goal was to develop more productive writing habits. However, what she has given me is so much more than that. In addition to helping me develop more sustainable and consistent work practices, she has helped me learn to rest intentionally and with less guilt, making it so much easier to manage fatigue and brain fog. She has developed different strategies for me to try out new habits that serve me and has supported me and held space for me to turn around negative self talk that was making me feel frozen. No matter where I’m at when we have our coaching sessions, Kate holds space for me to be a human in such a kind, thoughtful, and compassionate way. She tailors strategies and suggestions to who I am and how I’m feeling at the time, gently shifting plans and strategies when that changes. Coaching with Kate is an incredibly safe, supportive and encouraging space. I started working with Kate to make progress on my dissertation, but she has ended up changing my life in so many positive ways. I am so grateful to have connected with her and I could not recommend her more.


PhD Student

Upon entering the dissertation phase of my doctoral program, I knew I needed some help. I hit a wall! I was parenting alone, working full-time, and was losing sight of the personal and mental balance needed to finish my program. While therapy was helpful, I needed someone who could understand my plight as a graduate student and valued slow productivity – an approach to productivity that prioritized my mental and physical wellness and encouraged a wholistic approach in honoring myself in moving towards my personal and professional goals. Before working with Dr. Kate, I honestly didn’t even know this approach was possible or existed. From our very first meeting, I felt seen, heard, and understood. She helped bring clarity to a situation that I feared was hopeless and impossible.

My meetings and check-ins with Dr. Kate helped me chart a tangible plan towards completing goals; this allowed me to approach my goals incrementally, instead of trying to overwhelm myself by trying to accomplish it all. Our sessions felt so good; it helped me understand what healthy accountability looks like! To date, I’ve made several healthy decisions toward completing my personal and professional goals, and I’m moving in the right direction with my dissertation. I will continue to work with Kate, as it has helped me gained confidence in myself and decisions, and I know that achieving balance is necessary and possible! I’m so grateful for Dr. Kate’s guidance, help, knowledge, and encouragement!

Dionne C.

PhD Student

One of the first things that drew me to Kate’s work was her fresh perspective on productivity. In a sea of people encouraging you to “work, work, work” without respect to your physical and emotional well-being, Kate’s focus on mindfulness and slow living was just what I needed. I reached out to Kate for coaching after admitting to myself that my current faculty position was no longer what I wanted in a career. I was looking for a coach who could help me explore next steps, specifically towards entrepreneurship. I wanted someone who understood the ins and outs of academia, as well as small business ownership. And most importantly, I wanted a coach who prioritized healthy relationships with work. The care, time, and attention that Kate gives to each of her clients has been the icing on the cake. Anytime we meet (and whenever I get a check-in email), I always feel like Kate is my biggest supporter and is genuinely excited about my wins. During each session Kate has encouraged forward momentum on my goals in the most gentle way possible, working together to create a plan that takes into account my unique needs. I leave each session confident about next steps and energized about moving forward in a sustainable way. If you’re looking for an insightful, non-judgmental, and caring coach to support you while you follow your dreams, Kate is the only person you need!



I came to Kate as an exhausted PhD student, feeling a lot of shame around my slow research progress and lack of motivation. Kate’s approach to coaching was so refreshing: she showed so much empathy towards my exhaustion and encouraged me to treat myself with kindness. She’s helped me set up new habits that work with my specific strengths and motivators, while also helping me find ways to get around or through the things I find most tiring. After a few months of working with Kate, I finally had my first PhD progress check-in presentation where I felt genuinely proud of the amount of work I had accomplished. And I feel happier and more confident in my general work-life balance! Finishing my PhD feels achievable in a way it didn’t 6 months ago.


PhD Student, MIT

Kate Henry is a conscientious, talented and considerate coach who works diligently and meticulously to ensure that her clients meet their desired goals. Her unique approach to productivity is valuable, and no two plans are alike! She carefully crafts plans that meets clients like myself where they are and get them where they want to be. As a graduate student, I found her focus on mental health to be extremely comforting and gratifying. I am grateful to Kate for the strategies and tools she showed me to make the best productivity plans that work for my style and workload. I believe she would be an extraordinary asset to any professional seeking to get organized and stay on task without the fear of burnout or shame.


PhD Student

I scheduled my first session with Kate when I started seriously thinking about making my passions my full-time work but I was feeling worried about how I could do that, especially as a chronically-ill person. That choice has shown itself to have been the sweetest gift to myself. I love working with a “productivity” coach who understands how much we need slowness and who supports that I can’t generally work more than 20 hours a week. Kate has a real knack for pulling out the wisdom I already have within myself. Rather than focusing on prebaked tips or tricks (though she does have some brilliant ideas to offer), she has helped me identify what will work for me through helping me tune in to what I already know about myself. Because of this, I leave every session with Kate feeling full of confidence in myself and feeling like my goals are within reach. It feels so wonderful to work with someone who I know can understand and witness the complexity of my experience as a queer, chronically-ill person, striving to find sustainable self-employment. I know I will recommend her over and over again to anyone in my community looking for external support in achieving their dreams without sacrificing their health and well-being.

Elli P.


I can honestly say I would not be where I am currently without the help, support, and expertise of Dr. Kate. My time management, frankly, was absolute trash before we started working together. Workaholism was modeled in my family and I’ve operated that way for as long as I can remember. I regularly became overwhelmed, constantly working 12+ hour days on multiple passion projects, and still felt like I wasn’t doing enough.

When I decided to go to grad school, I knew I needed help. Working with Dr. Kate changed my outlook almost immediately. She helped me break down years of hustle culture and imposture syndrome while giving me the skills to prioritize things, including my own health and wellness (which as someone with a chronic illness is crucial). Her guidance and my own self-work helped me feel more confident and secure — so much so that I continued working with Dr. Kate beyond graduation and into my next chapter as a small business owner.

If you are on the fence about investing in her services, I’d like to tell you it is completely worth it! I was once told that I am like a spinning top, going round and round until I burn myself out. Dr. Kate made it possible for me to see myself as more than just that. As a result of working with her, today I am more efficient and making space for life beyond just working. Having her by my side every step of the way has been vital to my success.

Amber Krasinski

Founder & Creative Strategist at IvyHill PR/Recovering Workaholic

If you need a compassionate, thoughtful and committed coach, Kate is the person to go to. I was feeling lonely and stuck in the process of writing my dissertation, and her success and accountability program was exactly what I needed. We met via zoom to discuss my progress and Kate followed up with me with weekly emails, which were a great opportunity to assess, reflect and move forward. I wholeheartedly recommend Kate to get unstuck and work towards what matters to you. 


PhD Student, Columbia University

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